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On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework]), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

12 votes

What to do during Math PhD to have options in industry?

Based on my own interactions with graduate students and post-docs, I would suggest: Develop skills that are useful to potential employers. This includes basic communication skills and a broad backg …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

Traveling with textbooks

Have you considered using ebooks in situations where they're available and reasonably priced (and don't have Digital Rights Management)? A few years ago when I went to Los Angeles for a sabbatical …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

Question about leaving supervisor

This is a fairly common situation, but there are lots of ways in which it can be handled. A lot depends on the specifics of your situation and how well your advisor and your current department are ge …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

Can a cousin write a recommendation letter for graduate school?

This is probably not a good idea. A strong letter of recommendation will make it clear how the recommender knows the applicant. If it is apparent that the recommender is a family member, then many r …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
8 votes

What are the major differences between PhD programs in mathematics and PhD programs in other...

I'm going to focus on the third question: "Is it normal for math departments to disregard students' research interests in favor of mandatory coursework?" In comparison with PhD programs in many other …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
8 votes

Finishing the physics graduate curriculum as undergrad

In the US system, it's important to distinguish between transfering academic credits from one university to another versus simply having required courses waived on the basis of work that you did at an …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
7 votes

Does the course number matter?

You could start by checking with the registrar's office to find out if the transcript will show the specific topic of each of these courses or whether it will just show "5000 Special Topics." e.g. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
6 votes

Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?

In deciding whether or not to take on a graduate student advisee, the main factors are Funding. The student will either need their own or departmental funding (by e.g. a fellowship or teaching assi …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
6 votes

Math PhD in US vs Master + PhD in Europe

In comparison with someone who is completing a PhD in the US, a candidate who is completing a PhD in Europe will have a few issues to contend with in trying to get a job in the US. Bringing you to …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

In teaching, what are the advantages of using slides over doing board work?

Another alternative is to use a tablet device with a computer projector to hand write notes. This has the advantage of slowing the lecturer down (just like writing on a black board) while being visib …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

Are three year degrees from India equivalent to Four years degree in the US?

Many universities in the US will not admit students from India (or other commonwealth countries) with 3 year bachelors degrees into graduate programs. In such cases the expectation is that students w …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

Are undergraduate math courses required to do well on the GRE subject test?

It's difficult to answer this question because a lot depends on the programs that you're applying to and on the undergraduate program that you're currently in (because not all undergraduate programs a …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

How do I ask to draft recommendation letters for my references?

Short of asking to draft the letter (which many letter writers consider inappropriate), you can simply ask the letter writer to address particular issues in your letter. You should also supply copie …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

How to find out where a College's Graduates are now?

If your looking at PhD's who presumably wanted to go on to academic careers, and if you can get a list of the graduates from a particular year, then you can generally track those people down by search …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

Special student Harvard in Mathematics

You need to check on the rules at Harvard, but in general, "special student" generally means that a student is allowed to take courses but not to get a degree from the university. The phrase "non-deg …
Brian Borchers's user avatar

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