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Questions tagged [indexing]

Questions about bibliographic indexes, which are used to find and rank publications and their outlets.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a website that compares both Scopus and WoS (SCI/E)' ranks of a journal/publication altogether?

Something like Resurchify, but contains both Scopus and Web of Science, perhaps? I usually just browse separately on (for Scopus) and (for SCI/E / ...
prairie99's user avatar
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How to find the newest mathematics journals promoted from ESCI to SCI-Expanded list?

ESCI indexed journals which maintain qualtity publications are migrated to the SCi-Expanded list. Where and how can I find the new mathematics journals that have been promoted to the SCI-Expanded list ...
learner's user avatar
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How to tell if a journal was in SCI or SCIE at a particular date

My institution cares a lot if an article was published on a SCI/SCIE indexed journal. I need to find a way to determine, for instance, American Journal of Surgery was indexed in SCI/SCIE on August ...
Gappy Hilmore's user avatar
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Database location for a paper to be indexed by google scholar

In some fields like architecture and design, repositories are setup for collecting the conference proceedings in one location. Unfortunately these repositories are not always parsed well by google ...
user-2147482637's user avatar
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Permanent document identifier requirement for DBLP indexing?

First of all we are holding a conference which is the 12th year of this conference. All english papers of this conference from the 7th year are indexed in IEEE, however for the first 6 years there ...
Hirad A's user avatar
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How do I know if a journal was indexed in ESCI on a specific date in the past?

There is information for journals in the Scopus database as follows "Years currently covered by Scopus:from 2017 to 2024". In this way, we can learn the date the journal has been in this ...
user1097620's user avatar
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Article not indexed by Google Scholar

I have a paper published on a good journal, but after more than 2 months it is still not indexed by Google Scholar. All other papers from the same volume (november) can be found in GS, just my single ...
Luca Martinoia's user avatar
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How do we get our Journal indexed?

We are publishing a Journal titled Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. It is a Quarterly double blind peer reviewed international journal. How do we get it indexed?
Pandiyan Natarajan's user avatar