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Questions tagged [indexing]

Questions about bibliographic indexes, which are used to find and rank publications and their outlets.

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How do I know if a journal was indexed in ESCI on a specific date in the past?

There is information for journals in the Scopus database as follows "Years currently covered by Scopus:from 2017 to 2024". In this way, we can learn the date the journal has been in this ...
user1097620's user avatar
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Journal I published is on the ESCI list, but can't find it in PubMed, is there a reason for that?

I recently authored a simple case report in a local journal. It is Q4 in Scimago and in the ESCI of Clarivate. But I can't find my paper in Pubmed. Is there a reason for that?
Bilal Bahadır Akbulut's user avatar
3 votes
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What process determines whether a preprint appears on inspireHEP

I am trying to access the INSPIRE-HEP citation metadata for a lot of preprints, specifically preprints that are (cross)-listed in the quant-ph category on arXiv. A lot of these (roughly 80%) do not ...
forky40's user avatar
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Springer proceedings NOT indexed by Scopus

I am searching for a conference in economics and business. There is one conference that looks relatively OK (less probability of being predatory: according to papers which are published in its ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Why are some journals with low impact factor indexed in Web of Science while others with a relatively higher impact factor are not?

I'm a researcher in mathematics. While looking for journals in my field, I found out while some journals with a low impact factor are indexed in Web of Science, another Springer journal with a higher ...
Med Med's user avatar
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how to check if a AAAI proceeding is indexed by scopus

I have a paper in the SoCS conference which proceeding is edited by AAAI. How can I check if the proceeding is indexed by scopus? Thank's
Xtalker's user avatar
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It is possible a journal no longer be indexed in Web of Science (WoS)?

I am doing a bibliometric research in Web of Science. I made a research one year ago of a topic in Web of Science and I got a known number of results, as well as the percentual of papers per country. ...
OAS's user avatar
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Is there a website that compares both Scopus and WoS (SCI/E)' ranks of a journal/publication altogether?

Something like Resurchify, but contains both Scopus and Web of Science, perhaps? I usually just browse separately on (for Scopus) and (for SCI/E / ...
prairie99's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make sure journal is indexed in Scopus or not

I have submitted a paper to a Q2 journal last year (2021). But now when I checked the Scopus record it says Scopus coverage years:from 2018 to 2021. Does this mean its not indexed now? For some other ...
Talha Anwar's user avatar
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Article not indexed by Google Scholar

I have a paper published on a good journal, but after more than 2 months it is still not indexed by Google Scholar. All other papers from the same volume (november) can be found in GS, just my single ...
Luca Martinoia's user avatar
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How to find the newest mathematics journals promoted from ESCI to SCI-Expanded list?

ESCI indexed journals which maintain qualtity publications are migrated to the SCi-Expanded list. Where and how can I find the new mathematics journals that have been promoted to the SCI-Expanded list ...
learner's user avatar
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A recently published article of mine in a reputable Elsevier journal does not show on Google Scholar. Why? [duplicate]

I recently published an article in a reputable Elsevier journal, and it is not indexed by Google scholar. Other articles in the same volume of the same journal are indexed on Google Scholar already, ...
NominalSystems's user avatar
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How to get an updated list of SCI journals? [duplicate]

The Science Citation Index(SCI) is a citation index originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Currently, the indexing is done by by Clarivate Analytics. But, currently ...
Cyriac Antony's user avatar
5 votes
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MathSciNet is apparently refusing to index my paper. Has this happened to anyone?

Over 6 months ago, I published a paper in a journal that is on MathSciNet's journal list, and has been for a long time. It's not the Annals, but it's a solid and reputable journal. My paper is in ...
MathSciNetIssue's user avatar
4 votes
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My Scopus profile shows joint-first authorship as co-authorship. Should I ask for it to be corrected, and will it have any impact?

I published a paper with four collaborators (another junior researcher and three supervisors) and it was agreed that the two junior researchers — who did 90% of the work between us — should be ...
doctorer's user avatar
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What to do if the article is rejected due to misunderstanding [duplicate]

I had my paper returned from several journals saying that it does not match their subjects areas, no reviewer agreed to review it etc. even though I had checked properly regarding the subject scope of ...
Hasini's user avatar
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10 votes
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Are software citations indexed?

It is encouraged to cite relevant software in research papers (e.g. MIT guide). The question is, Are these citations indexed at all by any engine? I can hardly find any software on e.g. google scholar ...
Blackademic's user avatar
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Waiting times and hurdles between inclusion in ESCI and getting an impact factor?

In two cases recently, my co-authors are considering/decided to submit joint work to some young journals which I think are a good match. However those journals happen to be only indexed in the ...
Martin Modrák's user avatar
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How to tell if a journal was in SCI or SCIE at a particular date

My institution cares a lot if an article was published on a SCI/SCIE indexed journal. I need to find a way to determine, for instance, American Journal of Surgery was indexed in SCI/SCIE on August ...
Gappy Hilmore's user avatar
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How should I fix the problem of two part surname taken as middle name by google scholar?

I recently published my first paper in a conference proceedings (CogSci2020). Before submitting I was struggling how to give my name. My name is: First: [Alireza] Last: [Mahmoudi Kamelabad] The two ...
Alireza M. Kamelabad's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the personal economic motivation and benefits (in the international community) to publish in good but non-SCI or non-SCI-Expanded journals?

While SCI/SCIE journals (journals included in the Clarivate indices of Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded) are the gold list of journals and (my guess) the truly international ...
TomR's user avatar
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Are conference proceedings included in Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science considered to be indexed by Scopus or WebOS MJL?

I see that Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) is indexed both in Clarivate's Web of Science Master Journal List and Scopus. Does it mean that all the proceedings from conferences ...
adipginting's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it common to have no MathSciNet version of a paper in Mathematics?

For papers/books in mentioned in MathSciNet there is a way to get a BibTex version of the citation. I wanted to cite a paper and it is not in MathSciNet. It is a published paper in International ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Contradiction on indexing between the journal and MJL

Parallel Computing journal, according to their website, indexed in SCI. However, master journal list (MJL) indicates that the journal is indexed in SCI expanded. Is it possible that the journal moved ...
Shibli's user avatar
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approximate time for indexing a conference proceeding

Maybe some of you could help me with this matter based on your experiences. I presented an article for an IEEE congress which was held in March of this year, and accordingly, to their webpage, the ...
Layla's user avatar
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How do we get our Journal indexed?

We are publishing a Journal titled Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. It is a Quarterly double blind peer reviewed international journal. How do we get it indexed?
Pandiyan Natarajan's user avatar
2 votes
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Does google scholar rescan papers and update citations?

I have an in press paper (let's call it paper A) which is cited in another in press paper (paper B). The citation is complete (issue nr. etc.). The citing paper (B) was supposed to be published after ...
Omer Nevo's user avatar
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google scholar has not listed me as coauthor

After finally getting an article listed on google scholar via preprints, Google Scholar has not listed me as an author on my paper on either preprint it has indexed. I was the one who uploaded them to ...
English Xcel's user avatar
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Can a journal once removed from Scopus be reindexed in Scopus?

If a journal indexing in Scopus is cancelled, can such journal be indexed in Scopus again?
Dr. Hachimenum Amadi's user avatar
5 votes
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Do conferences get indexed?

A funding organism is offering to pay for the travel and stay of young researchers to an international conference, when said conference is indexed (Scopus, WoS, ...). They insist on the fact that it’s ...
you-slamm's user avatar
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What are differences between various indexing service: SCI, SSCI, SCOPUS and others? [closed]

I wanted to submit a paper to "Computer & Education (IF: 3.819 and indexed in many other indexing system)" journal by Elsevier, but unfortunately submitted a paper to "The Internet and Higher ...
Sudas's user avatar
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is it okay for a paper to be in conference proceedings but not on IEEE Xplore? [closed]

A conference says on its call for papers website that: "papers will be part of the Conference Proceedings (if the authors wish to do so), but they will not be uploaded to IEEE Xplore." -- What does ...
Jain's user avatar
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How to ensure my papers are indexed by Google Scholar [closed]

I have some papers published in some journals in India, but Google Scholar does not index those journals. What approach can I take to get these papers indexed by Google Scholar? I tried uploading ...
Anuj's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to know whether a journal is indexed by Thomson Reuters or Scopus?

I am preparing to submit my first article to a specific journal. How can I know if a journal is indexed in Thomson Reuters or Scopus?
user137684's user avatar
10 votes
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Uploading a revised version of published journal article on arXiv

I uploaded a pre-print of an article on arXiv 1 year ago. The article was accepted in SCI journal and currently available online. However, I found a typo mistake in one equation and want to add more ...
Mohaqiq's user avatar
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Is SCI Impact Factor valid for a year? And, my PhD publication dilemma regarding it

My advisor asked me to publish in an SCI-indexed journal with better impact factor (say more than 1). I found a journal with impact factor as 1.2. But the journal says that its present impact factor ...
user5507's user avatar
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What kind of index of papers is behind the search functionality of web applications and services related to the scientific literature?

There are many, many websites that include a search function that returns a list of papers matching some keyword: Scirate, Shortscience, Brevy, etc. Do all these sites run their own crawlers and ...
Anta Res's user avatar
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If a journal not indexed in SCI nor in EI, is it worth publishing in?

After looking up the journal name (Journal for Internet Technology and Secured Transaction (JITST)), I discovered this journal was not listed in either the SCI or EI indexes. Is this journal worth ...
Paulo's user avatar
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How can you determine whether a journal is indexed in ISI or SCI?

What are the main difference between SCI and ISI Journals? How can you determine whether a a journal is indexed in SCI or ISI?
suleman zaheer's user avatar
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Paper Indexed by SCI

One of my papers is online published with volume, issue, and page number. The journal is published by IEEE and SCI-indexed with high impact factor. I need a report from Web-of-Science to obtain the ...
Mithun's user avatar
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Database location for a paper to be indexed by google scholar

In some fields like architecture and design, repositories are setup for collecting the conference proceedings in one location. Unfortunately these repositories are not always parsed well by google ...
user-2147482637's user avatar
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What open indexing services compete with Web of Science [closed]

As far as I know, the only indexing services which track citation across journals and data repositories are accessed for a fee. Are there any free-to-use databases of article or data citation indices ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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In publications section of application, I'm asked what database the journal is indexed in. Where can I find that information?

I am applying to a university for a PhD and in the application it asks for information on journal publications. And under that it asks for journal's Impact factor and database the journal is indexed ...
clarkson's user avatar
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If Thomson Reuters says it indexes a journal but it's not mentioned on the journal's web site, who should I trust?

On the Thomson Reuters Master Journal list is stated that the given journal is indexed in Science Citation Index and Current Contents. However, on the official journal's web page, there is no such ...
Quirik's user avatar
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Identifying reputable journal indexing services

I am part of a committee tasked to create a policy on creating incentives for publications of university employees. Right now, the highest incentive award is given to publications in journals "...
JRN's user avatar
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When submitting a paper, should I match the keywords to MeSH terms?

I understand the importance MeSH had in the past when google scholar (and similar tools) did not exist. However, with all the websites that enhance your searches, like Mendeley,, and ...
lf_araujo's user avatar
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How do I check the indexing of journals in databases?

Various journals claim to be indexed by worldwide databases like INSPEC, Google Scholar etc. How can I verify these claims?
Ehsa's user avatar
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How Scopus CSAB plan to evaluate a submitted journal's citedness in Scopus?

Our journal applied to Scopus for inclusion a few months ago and I, as an editor, would like to clarify some citations to our journal from articles already indexed in this database (as far as I know, ...
HunSoc's user avatar
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Permanent document identifier requirement for DBLP indexing?

First of all we are holding a conference which is the 12th year of this conference. All english papers of this conference from the 7th year are indexed in IEEE, however for the first 6 years there ...
Hirad A's user avatar
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Why are some conferences no longer indexed by Scopus?

I have seen in Scopus that there are some conferences that are still running nowadays, but they not longer appear indexed on Scopus. For example, in the field of Computer Science I see that the ICCSIT ...
Layla's user avatar
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