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Working with `co-guest editor' who has subjected me to harassment as postdoc mentor

Very long post alert! Background: I have a complicated situation and need advice about how to deal with it. I had joined as a postdoc with a faculty member (a senior professor) in an esteemed research ...
damaihati's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to professionally deal with sexual harassment in academia

I am a first year PhD student, and there is an older (by which I mean further ahead in his PhD) student who has been rather unperturbed by me asking him to stop flirting with me. This has been going ...
StatsStumped's user avatar
49 votes
7 answers

Toxic, harassing lab environment

I have just started a research position (around 2.5 months ago) at a top-10 university. I am having my own funding and was initially quite excited about the opportunity, and did and do love my project....
TestGuest's user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

How to deal with sexual harassment by a senior colleague without jeopardizing my tenure case?

I apologize in advance that I cannot write about details, as they contain identifying information about the senior colleague in question. The low-down is that I am a tenure-track professor at a US ...
user-2147481856's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

A female professor was found responsible for sexual harassment – what can happen to the signatories of a letter in support of her?

The New York Times article reported a female professor at New York University was found to be responsible for sexual harassment of a male student. There's a letter of support for this professor, sent ...
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32 votes
4 answers

Allegations of harassment by a faculty member and reporting?

This issue is about a university in a third-world country. I friend of mine, "Zelda," is a faculty member at a reputable university. During one of her sittings with an undergrad student, &...
NAASI's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

How to stop sexual harassment by teacher? [closed]

I'm a student in India. My music teacher was kicked out of the school about 1 month ago due to sexual misconduct. Today, he messaged me on Instagram with a fake ID and started talking nastily to me ...
Neha Gupta's user avatar
222 votes
14 answers

How to avoid being falsely accused of harassment by a student?

I am a junior faculty member and as part of my work I have to supervise students. I am required by the University to have one-on-one meetings with them every week to check their progress and give ...
apetros85's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

How to create an environment in which students can report teacher-student sexual harassment?

I teach physics at a community college in California. A series of female students have told me about sexual harassment by the same tenured male math instructor. Two such incidents went like this. one ...
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193 votes
15 answers

How to deal with an advisor who wants a "friendlier" relationship with me than I do?

I work as an assistant at a university in Australia. I joined the team consisting of my current advisor and his two PhD students. The other group members are men and they have a co-worker-like ...
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