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What expression to use when citing a publication for a result bordering one, oneself seeks to publish? (replicate, corroborate, in line with)

The specific reason for citing/referencing a publication may accompany an expression signifying that. One broad reason is empirical results (other broad reasons are theoretical ideas, methodological ...
Johan's user avatar
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No quotation marks/citation needed for common expressions/language or for using texts as a model?

This might be a stupid question, but I am asking as a non-native English speaker. Given that we all (even native speakers) will get our English expressions from somewhere, I am wondering when a ...
Fukaru23512's user avatar
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To what extent should relevant background be discussed vs. just referenced?

Is is perfectly appropriate to refer reviewers to other papers for understanding a concept or writer must include the concept in his paper too? What should be done while keeping brevity, plagiarism ...
foobar's user avatar
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Attributing Second-order Citations

Imagine that a paper by [Author A] has pulled together some literature on the misuse of a technology in context X. I now want to talk about misuse of the same technology but in context Y. When ...
Dr. Thomas C. King's user avatar