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Referencing in a paper

When referencing in a paper or a thesis, is there a convention to put a reference immediately after the word or separate them by a space? So for example do you have '... FTIR-spectroscopy[1]' or '... ...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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2 answers

Where should I place the citation in this sentence?

I have the following sentence, where the citation refers to the first part of the sentence. Because of how it appears in the formatting of my paper, and how it reads, I would like to have the citation ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I cite the ministry in my own country in APA?

In my research paper, I have cite from a curriculum published by the Ministry of Education in my country. Should I cite the name of the ministry in my own language (i.e. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı; MEB as ...
Süleyman Yaman's user avatar
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How to write source information for tables if I'm using data from multiple sources?

I am using data from 3-4 different sources in my table. How to cite the source information in MLA format? As far as I know, Source information is written below tables in the MLA style. But is it okay ...
Kakoli Majumder's user avatar
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Methodology Question: How to deal with others having written about similar topic?

Basically, I am wondering how one is to deal with other scholars that have written about a similar topic or have covered similar/the same phenomenon (my field are the social sciences/humanities). What ...
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Can you exclude issue numbers in references based on APA 6th edition?

I'm currently working on my thesis (communication science), and I'm wondering about the issue number in the reference list. A teacher told me that I don't need to include the issue number. But I ...
Lisa's user avatar
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6 answers

How to handle citing duplicate publications?

I am writing a review article and have come across a number of references which were published verbatim in their entirety in more than one place (same author(s) and the same content; Duplicate ...
Guho's user avatar
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Should I normalize inconsistent proceedings titles?

I work in a discipline where titles of published conference proceedings are notoriously inconsistent. (Perhaps all disciplines are like this?) For example, various years' proceedings of the same ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Help picking an appropriate citing style

I wrote a paper about governance mechanisms at StackExchange in which I got a lot of informations out of questions (especially on meta). I have kept all my references. My teacher is letting us pick ...
curious's user avatar
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How should I cite a tool or a library in my article?

When using an online library, tool, framework or something similar, what is the proper way to reference it in an article? (I work in Computer Science). For example, I want to say that many popular ...
penelope's user avatar
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