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IEEE transactions specific: Is it necessary to number unreferred equations?

Question: since the equation number is mainly a tag for referencing, I usually omit the equation number whenever an equation is not referred throughout the paper. Is this in violation of any standards,...
Troy Woo's user avatar
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Authoring unverified common-knowledge statements in papers about quality software-engineering?

Writing a software-engineering paper where I'm saying things like: Quality software-engineering/software-design means developing modularised, tested, documented, maintainable, extensible and ...
A T's user avatar
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How to properly cite (and write a paragraph) that a paper is based upon another paper but proposes different contribution?

I have a paper A which is already published. Now I want to write paper B which will use data from the same expirement conducted in A but with results which were not mentioned in paper A. Basically, ...
Captain GouLash's user avatar
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Is my text lacking of citations?

I've started my Masters in Computer Science this year and i'm facing some questions about citations. Papers and dissertations i've seen so far have a lot of citations even for the most basic subjects. ...
joann2555's user avatar
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How to write source information for tables if I'm using data from multiple sources?

I am using data from 3-4 different sources in my table. How to cite the source information in MLA format? As far as I know, Source information is written below tables in the MLA style. But is it okay ...
Kakoli Majumder's user avatar
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Whether to use the author name with numeric references when describing a particular study

I am a little bit confused regarding the best way to attribute a research paper in my thesis. Example: " The work in [1] proposed a new method for ..." " John et al.[1] proposed a new method for ..." ...
M.M's user avatar
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Should I include a bibliographical entry in the Works Cited pages for works I just mention? [duplicate]

Should I include a bibliographical entry in the Works Cited pages for works I just mention? For example, if I mention the work of an author by title just as an example without quoting from it, should ...
EasternRiver's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Mendeley to produce chapter notes without a citation?

Is it possible to use Mendeley to insert sequential text chapter notes without a citation? For example: Chapter text Lorem ipsum dolor [1] sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod [2] ...
Ben Love's user avatar
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How to reference to a statement that itself is referenced by a paper other than original paper? [duplicate]

When I read a statement in a paper that is itself derived from another paper, how should I reference it when I use it in my own article? Should I reference the original article or the second article, ...
Shayan Kabiri's user avatar
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Citing someone else's idea??? (but not published work) [closed]

I will preface that this is in regards to a Christian devotional to study scriptures from the Bible. I was tasked to put together a 25 day devotional that will be published physically and online by my ...
Josh Tanner's user avatar
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How to cite a reference in another reference? [duplicate]

I am reading the literature review of an article and the review article mentioned that the second article found positive relationship. Now, should I cite both or just the second article that found ...
user48932's user avatar
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How do I correctly show price differences in academic writing

I am writing a text about a new technology in electronics systems. Here is a problem that I am addressing in the text: There are people that want to use high frequencies in electronics, but at ...
Joren Vaes's user avatar
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How to Properly Reference Equation Steps from Source X in Your Work?

I want to avoid writing something like: However, calculating the variable X and solving this equation requires iteration using the Newton-Raphson method [22, p. 45][15, p. 152]: "equation" &...
ed190's user avatar
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