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2 answers

Referencing a mathematical result already obtained

I was working(in maths) for some months on a paper. After I got the results, I found out that some of those were already obtained in another paper that was not very related to my topic. In fact, in ...
jhndoe's user avatar
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How should one select his or her citations when writing a thesis in STEM?

I have looked over the master and PhD thesis of several past colleagues, and it seems that their thesis section are all very organized and does not deviate too much from the standard literature. In ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Arrangement of references in math papers

My question is the following. Should references in math papers be arranged according to author’s last-names or first-names?
user227351's user avatar
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Mutual citations of two papers (in mathematics)

Given two research articles A, B, is it common for them to have mutual citations, in the sense A is cited in B and B is cited in A? Does it not create (an initial) confusion on which work is done ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Re-citing a math theorem with errors

A follow-up question to this: Citing a math theorem with errors Let's say a paper A has some error in a proof of a theorem and then I publish a paper B citing the theorem and its proof and also ...
BCLC's user avatar
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References in a PhD thesis in mathematics [closed]

I have a few questions about the references in a PhD thesis in mathematics: What would be a "normal" range of items there? I am not sure if there is only a few items in the reference it may not be ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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How to Use a Result Already Under Review in Another Paper?

This may apply to any mathematical scientists. I am working on a paper, which (as far as I can tell) needs a result that I obtained. The result needed is a part of another paper of mine that is ...
Yes's user avatar
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SHA-256 research paper and referencing FIPS

I've posted this first one the Cryptography SE but was advised to move it here due to the very nature of the question. Anyway, for my college thesis I've decided to do a full stack project on SHA-256. ...
Petar's user avatar
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Citing propositions etc. in a master's thesis

So in my mathematics master's thesis I am mainly following a certain paper, trying to understand it and present it's results in my own way. Now for a few chapters in my thesis I am basing them off of ...
Fromage's user avatar
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Citing in undergraduate thesis

I am presently working on my undergraduate thesis in mathematics. My work consists mainly of analyzing a handful of sources, internalizing proofs and methods and then fleshing out the rough outline ...
iwriteonbananas's user avatar
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If I derive a formula for a paper do I need to put the derivation directly in a paper?

Let's say that I derived a formula that I am using in a paper, without any prior knowledge of the formula. Do I need to then put my derivation directly in my paper, or could I submit a supplementary ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
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How to efficiently find citations for quotations after writing?

I wrote a long document about mathematics with a lot of quotations. I must provide a citation for every quotation, but did not do this so far. Now I’m stuck because I can’t efficiently find the ...
Furdzik Zbignew's user avatar
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Proper way of including pictures into the Master's thesis [duplicate]

I'm doing mathematics and my thesis consists mainly of understanding and elaborating couple of articles, writing clearly everything down, and possibly including a little of my own original work at the ...
a_guest's user avatar
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Should listed citations in a historical overview be ordered numerically or chronologically?

I'm writing an article and in one portion I give a brief historical overview of previous work on the problem I am studying. (In case this matters, it's a pure math article, specifically topology.) I ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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Why did notable mathematician Walter Rudin have so few citations according to ResearchGate? [closed]

According to ResearchGate, Rudin had about 30 ish papers and 500 ish citations. How come so few? I thought he was this legend of maths. Here's his profile:
user119304's user avatar
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What is the correct way of citing a book in a presentation (made using Beamer)

I am making slides for presentation using beamer. I have the following reference book in the bibliography in the following format [5]Author 1 and Author 2, book name, publication house, year I have ...
Infinity_hunter's user avatar