Linked Questions

12 votes
2 answers

Invitation to a new conference: possible scam? [duplicate]

I am a researcher on physics and I was invited to a conference as a speaker at the 1st European Conference on Engineering & Technology ECETECH 2022. The full expenses (round trip flight tickets, ...
shivan sirdy's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Quarterly Franklin Membership" means? [duplicate]

Recently I received an email from London Journals Press. Dear Dr. Po-Wei Huang, ... Taking note of your research interest that matches with our journal scope, I would like to welcome you to associate ...
Po-Wei Huang's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between all of these impact factors? [duplicate]

While searching a Thomson indexed journal to submit to, I found this one : And they are showing different impact factors : Impact Factor: 0.971 [UIF, Germany] Global Impact ...
mac179's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

is David Publishing Company legit? [duplicate]

I have an abstract presented by my colleague at a local conference. I got an email from a company called David Publishing Company claiming that they are interested in publishing our paper in the ...
Mohamed IBrahim's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

If a journal requires "Article Processing fee" does that make it a predatory journal? [duplicate]

If a journal take article processing fee then does that mean the journal is predatory? or there are some other criteria to tell a journal as predatory?
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is "Advances in Engineering" a predatory platform? [duplicate]

I have received an e-mail from "Advances in Engineering". Is it a predatory-platform? Is it reputable? ... Dear Dr. XYZ, We are pleased to inform you that Advances in Engineering selection ...
Kutadgubilig's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Is "Cambridge Scholars" a fake publisher? [duplicate]

Considering the fact that I'm a graduate student with a couple of publications, here is the email I've recently received from this website (I found it in my spam folder): Dear Dr. Robotocist, --------...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does publishing in non-prestigious journal damage your portfolio [duplicate]

Context A year ago, I had a desire to write my first article for a journal. Since I hadn't had much experience in scientific writing, I gave up writing it. However, I've recently found this work and ...
student's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is this academic organization a predatory one? [duplicate]

I was reading about this organization that is called SAI ( which has a number of journals and conferences indexed in Scopus, but I am a little bit dubious if it should be ...
Layla's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

David Publishing Company (DPC) legit or not? [duplicate]

Recently I completed my master's program in ICT from Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan. I have received an email from David Publishing Company (DPC). They wanted to publish my paper in their journal. ...
Rakibul Hasan Shimul's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Is "Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal" reputable? [duplicate]

I ask this question because there are at least several journals with similar titles, but I thought about submitting to this one in particular Is this a reputable math ...
askquestions4's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Reference citing guidelines [duplicate]

I recently became the Editor-in-Chief for Cardiac Electrophysiology for an online access publishing company. I wanted to jump in by writing a general article to get my feet wet in their system. My ...
kriegh moulton's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to find a reputable open access journal? [duplicate]

I found few open access journals that show quite good quality articles. However, I have been advised that open access journals may be predatory. When I searched websites, I was surprised that all ...
just a researcher's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

If a journal is not listed in Journal Citation Reports, is that a bad sign with respect to its quality and/or legitimacy? [duplicate]

The journal Advances in Applied Energy is not listed in Journal Citation Reports (at least as far as I can tell), although its sister journal, Applied Energy, is. Should I be concerned about the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to tell if a Journal is peer reviewed and/or legitimate? [duplicate]

I am working through my dissertation and was just wondering, how would you know if a journal is peer reviewed or actually legitimate? If a journal etc has an ISSN number on them, does this mean the ...
Adam's user avatar
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