I am currently an undergraduate who likes to think about research a lot. My email is “[email protected]”, however in all my papers I am listed as “Zach Hunter”.
Frequently I will email people about their preprints, asking questions and pointing out slight typos or gaps in their proofs. They typically react very positively to my feedback, and often will put me in the acknowledgements. However, a large amount of the time I get acknowledged as “Zachary” rather than “Zach”.
I think it would be best to always be listed as “Zach” for consistency’s sake. Does this make sense? If so, how should I also about ensuring this?
Approaches I’ve considered
Personally I would feel quite awkward/presumptuous to preemptively say “By the way, if you do acknowledge me, please use ‘Zach’.” I want to avoid asking a “do X without Y” question, but I really want to avoid overselling the value of my comments which are just asked out of curiosity.
Another approach I’ve consider is using the signature “Zach (formally Zach Hunter)” in my first-time emails to people. However I fear this may be a bit too eccentric and not the most clear.
Any thoughts to these approaches or alternatives are welcome.