Two days ago, I presented my accepted paper in an IEEE conference. While I am presenting, I noticed that I really made 3 mistakes in the notations! I don't really know why I didn't make attention for that before! For example, in the first place, I wrote lambda instead of alpha. In other place, I forgot to put an absolute value to the variable used. In the third place, I forgot a parenthesis for a group of variables. The problem is that in this part (very mathematical part), I have a lot of mathematical notations, and so I made these errors.

My errors do not affect neither the results nor the conclusion since while I am citing another paper and writing some of its equations in my paper, I made these errors. So I think the reader will detect these errors when he reads the cited paper (it is very embarrassing for me when the author of the paper I cited sees that I made errors in his equations! very embarrassing). I think an interesting reader to my paper will only consider that these errors are due to the lack of enough revisions before the camera-ready deadline, I hope! (what do you think?). I am really very sad because in this case some researchers will consider me as a "careless writer".

The paper is not yet published online, but I have already presented it (two days ago) in the conference. So I am wondering if it is still possible to contact the committee and tell them about the errors? do you think they can provide me a chance to send them a correct version? is it still possible?

BTW I have submitted the corrected version on ArXiv and researchgate. But I don't know if the researchers will make attention that the errors are corrected on ArXiv for example? do you think the reasearchers mostly read papers on ArXiv rather than reading the official versions present in IEEE Xplore?

  • How did this work out for you in the end?
    – Stumbler
    Commented Aug 30, 2019 at 18:40

1 Answer 1


I would say it's worthy to try, there's no shame in doing it.

Contact them and tell that you have found some typos which you would like to correct before publication. Attach to the email the corrected version and another pdf with the highlighted changes, where they will be able to easily spot the minor issues you found.

  • 1
    This, or just a list of the corrections required, since it sounds like there are only a few and quite minor. And to the OP, I wouldn't worry about looking careless; we all make mistakes of this sort, and if they got past peer review then clearly they weren't too blatant.
    – G_B
    Commented Dec 15, 2017 at 22:59
  • @The Doctor and Geoffrey Brent thank you for your comments. I am just afraid if I tell the committee about the errors, they probably withdraw my paper I think, no?
    – Christina
    Commented Dec 15, 2017 at 23:03
  • @GeoffreyBrent, I think the reviewers did not make attention for these errors. I had a very interesting results and beautiful conclusion. So I think they were affected by the conclusion. We also cannot trust all reviewers even if my paper is accepted in a very well known conference. Some reviewers read the paper at the last time, unfortunately.
    – Christina
    Commented Dec 15, 2017 at 23:04
  • 2
    @Christina "OP" = "original poster (in the thread)", i.e. you; sorry for the confusion there. I'm not familiar with IEEE so I'll leave it to others to comment on IEEE specifics, but I would be astounded if anybody wanted to withdraw a paper for a few minor notational errors. If your conclusions were interesting and the errors don't change that conclusion, then it's still a good paper.
    – G_B
    Commented Dec 15, 2017 at 23:17
  • 1
    Good luck with it. :)
    – The Doctor
    Commented Dec 15, 2017 at 23:37

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