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Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
Jeromy Anglim
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
7 votes

How does Google Scholar rank search results?

7 votes

What are reasons to update your website and CV frequently, when not on the job market?

7 votes

How to make a paper anonymous for reviewers when it heavily extends on your own previous work?

7 votes

How much would it cost to remove pay-walls?

7 votes

How to list a paper in a CV that has been presented at a conference and submitted to a journal?

7 votes

Can you publish studies based on confidential customer data that comes from private companies?

7 votes

Tips for work-life balance when doing postdoc with two very young children and a one hour commute

7 votes

What is the preferable way to share data?

7 votes

Are rejections usually quick for papers submitted to journals?

7 votes

Are programmers usually included as co-authors in psychology?

7 votes

Do articles published in newspapers count as publications?

6 votes

Is there Visiting Administrator in academia?

6 votes

How common is spousal hire (academic or non-academic) in the Australia/New Zealand system?

6 votes

How does PLOS ONE maintain its impact factor?

6 votes

What English expression resembles the German "Tutor"?

6 votes

How to obtain number of publications by year on a given subject?

6 votes

How to publish your research quickly when it pertains to a topical current event?

6 votes

How to cite online-first published articles? Should you include link to earlier ArXiV version?

6 votes

Are there other cities in the world like Boston where a large number of good postsecondary institutions are located?

6 votes

What to do when there is 'full-text request' in

6 votes

How to cite a previous single-author paper by oneself?

6 votes

Can a single co-authored paper be part of two stapled dissertations (by two people)?

6 votes

Should I (as a reviewer) ask an author to cite my work where I proposed a core hypothesis, when they have already referenced other points?

6 votes

Is this ethical: "I like your paper and if you submit it to Journal X, I will be the reviewer"

6 votes

Are professors' salaries a function of the amount of grant funding they obtain?

6 votes

How to obtain the h-index or number of publications for a given academic as a function of time?

6 votes

Which is more valued, first authorship articles or the number of articles produced?

6 votes

Is it reasonable to ask candidates to create a profile on Google Scholar?

5 votes

Using the h-index to compare researchers from different fields

5 votes

How to determine the number of citations an author had on a given date using Google Scholar?

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