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This tag refers to questions related to source and utilization of academic funding from government or non-governmental sources.

1 vote

Are there examples of more efficient funding systems than grant applications?

This is a system of annual evaluations of academic departments that is used as part of the system of awarding research funding. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

Total Grant Amount or Amount from Government on CV

Extra Terrestrial Biology Funding Agency, 2015-2017. $100,000 award plus $20,000 in institutional cost sharing. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
1 vote

For funded US PhD programs, why is the summer funding listed separately from the overall sti...

Some students may be working at internships in the summer.
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

How much do budgets affect likelihood of grant funding?

written budget could put your proposal out of contention, but a well written budget that scrimps on costs isn't likely to help you get funded (what are the odds that your project is "on the bubble" for funding … On the other hand, don't prepare a low-ball budget that doesn't include adequate funding for travel, students, etc. Being too extreme in either direction can hurt the reviews of your proposal. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

For an industry-sponsored project, should one apply for IRB approval before or after accepti...

We are also not allowed to submit a proposal to a funding agency without (edited to clarify this) submitting the proposal to the IRB for approval. … If I was asked to take on a research contract involving human subjects and wanted to accept the funding, I would tell the funder, "Yes, I would like to accept this funding. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

Financial resources for M.Sc. students in the U.S. universities

This depends a lot on the university, the discipline, and the individual department. A key factor is that many universities have "terminal masters" programs that are not research oriented. Student …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
-1 votes

Is it ok to mention assistance in grant writing on your CV?

I wouldn't put this on a CV, but it is something that you should bring up during an interview as an example of your experience with the grant writing process. To elaborate on this: An individual i …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

In computer science, what does winning a Sloan research fellowship say about an advisor?

The Sloan research fellowships are distinguished awards for early career faculty. This means that your prospective advisor is considered a very talented young researcher. However, it also means that …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
10 votes

Is it acceptable to submit a postdoc fellowship application (same lab, same project) to two ...

It's quite common to submit proposals to multiple funding agencies at the same time. Most grant applications ask you if you are submitting the proposal to multiple funding agencies. … If both agencies are interested in funding your proposal then they'll coordinate awards so that you don't get funded twice. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
14 votes

Can you have a career in academia without having to write grant applications?

The need for grant funding depends a lot on the type of research that you do. … In the other direction, grant funding is less important if you do more theoretical research by yourself or with collaborators at other institutions. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
16 votes

Why do departments fund PhD students instead of postdocs?

Since most of the funding for postdocs and PhD students in the sciences comes from grants and the usage of that money is specified by the grant and approved by the funding agency, departments can't simply … For these and other reasons, there's a widespread preference in the funding agencies for funding graduate students rather than postdocs. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

Does having external funding raise your chances of getting accepted ? ( Masters )

When the student comes with their own funding, that second question doesn't have to be answered. … However, if the same applicant came to us with their own funding, we'd admit the student. So, having your own funding might help. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
1 vote

Do research grants from USA governmental agencies (e.g. NSF, NIH, DOE, etc) require that all...

See the NSF web site at: Individuals don't generally apply directly for NSF funding. … You could apply for certain grants as a non-profit or for-profit corporation, but the funding opportunities for these are limited. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

What should the startup package consist of at US (primarily) undergraduate institutions?

Things that you might ask for include summer salary for yourself for a year or two, computer equipment (say $3K for a nice desktop computer up to $100K for a high performance computing cluster), funding
Brian Borchers's user avatar
8 votes

Theorists facing tenure track faculty interviews

If there is an expectation that you will bring in external funding to support graduate students, then you need to be prepared to respond to questions about possible sources of funding and how you will … involve graduate student research assistants in your research in a way that will be considered appropriate by both the funding agency and your future institution. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar

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