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A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume provides an overview of a person's education, academic and industry experience, some of his qualifications, research interests and a list of his references. A CV may be optimized and edited to highlight some parts of the CV to be presented into a research institute or to apply for a job.

32 votes

What do search committees really read in a CV during initial screening for a faculty position?

I'm serving on a hiring committee this year that received roughly 180 applications for a tenure track position in mathematics. All of the members of the committee reviewed all of the applications. M …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
27 votes

How to supply proof that you are a reviewer for a journal?

As a practical matter, no one is likely to check your CV at this level of detail anyway. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
18 votes

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Some reasons that I've needed to have an up-to-date CV: Applying for promotion to full professor. Applying for a funding for a sabbatical leave visit to a research center. Applying for grants. … It's such a common need that I just make a point of keeping my CV up to date as new publications and other events happen. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

Total Grant Amount or Amount from Government on CV

The way to describe this in a CV would normally be to give the amount of the award as one number, plus the amount of cost share as a second number. e.g. B. Borchers. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
7 votes

What is the difference between a teaching assistant and an instructor?

Having read a lot of CV's this year, I can say that there's huge variation in what teaching assistants in mathematics do. I saw everything from TA's who just graded papers and held office hours all t …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

Mentioning times cited, F1000 citations in CV?

Citation counts and statistics like the H-index change rapidly, and including them might come across as overly boastful in a CV. I haven't ever seen these on any CV that I've read. … Books and monographs should generally be placed in a separate section of your CV apart from the peer reviewed journal articles. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

List of software projects on my CV

I am a mathematics professor and I served on a hiring committee this spring so I've been reading a lot of CVs recently. If the software projects that you have been working on are completely unrelated …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
5 votes

What is the impact of gaps on CV in academic job search?

If I saw an application from someone with this history and the cover letter explained why the applicant had taken time off work, I would treat the application as though those two years simply didn't e …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

Add a Collaborative Report in my CV

These kinds of grey literature are often included in CV's but it's important to be clear about the nature of the publication. I would put this after any peer reviewed journal articles and conference …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

Would a high Stack Exchange rep make a difference in a job interview?

This isn't something that you'd normally put on a CV and if you did, I don't think it would help your chances and might hurt them with some search committee members. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

Trimming my CV; or, what is appropriate to have in a CV at a given career stage

As has been suggested above, keep one version of your CV which is complete with everything you've ever done, and then trim it down as needed for a particular purpose. … I keep my CV up-to-date with lists of publications, conference presentations, grants, courses taught, graduate students supervised, committees served on, etc. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
-1 votes

Is it ok to mention assistance in grant writing on your CV?

I wouldn't put this on a CV, but it is something that you should bring up during an interview as an example of your experience with the grant writing process. … Some readers might read your CV and think that you're claiming undue credit. In recent months I've interviewed many candidates for a faculty position. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar