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Questions related to academic publications including online and traditional journals, books, and conference proceedings.

40 votes

Can I write a paper out of a simple idea?

I like papers about simple ideas. (I am writing one right now, hope others like it as well.) They are far easier to communicate and understand than complex ideas. Then again, the question is why nobo …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
34 votes

Should I drop my paper after finding a recent very similar paper?

First of all, you are absolutely right that you need to cite the paper. Citations should not be to "previous work you based your work on" but to "the state of the art" - whether or not you explicitly …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
34 votes

Submitting paper to lower tier journal instead of doing major revision at higher tier journal

Beware that your proposed course of action can backfire. That lower tier journal that you submit to instead of addressing the reviewers' concerns may very well invite the very same reviewers as the or …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
32 votes

Whether to exclude standard deviation in plot of outcomes of a series of experiments?

Don't do this. Here is some random data with 21 experiments A-U, each one repeated 3 times. In both cases, the experimentwise means (indicated using red crosses) are identical, but the within-experim …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
31 votes

How to rephrase this statement in a paper? "Due to a limited number of pages, ..."

Details are omitted to conserve space. Terse. Because you don't want your explanation to cause you to go over the page limit.
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
27 votes

How to prevent being intimidated by juniors in your group publishing before you

First off: if you are not a full time student, it's natural that you will take longer than others (who I presume are full time students). Don't feel too pressured by this. Second, if you are involved …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
26 votes

Submitting a note on the falsehood of a conjecture to the journal the conjecture originally ...

Submitting your manuscript to the journal the original conjecture was published in is probably a good idea. After all, if the journal published the original conjecture, then the conjecture is obviousl …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
25 votes

Publish a paper about a contribution already briefly outlined in one of my papers?

In general, yes, absolutely. People expand on previous research all the time - whether their own or someone else's. Of course, you will need to cite and refer to your earlier publication. The question …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
23 votes

When does a statistical consultant become a co-author or collaborator?

Other people on the author list have spent weeks interviewing people in African refugee camps, juggling noxious chemicals in a lab and/or digging through prior publications. …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
22 votes

Is it OK to change mistakes/typos when you are in the minor revision stage of publication?

Yes, this is completely OK. You are not bound to perpetuate typos from earlier versions just because reviewers did not find them. It's always good to indicate that typos were cleaned up and similar, …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
21 votes

Are PhDs always obligated to stay involved in research, even after graduation?

Even if you graduate without publications, that is still better than quitting 80% through. Finishing the Ph.D. shows that you persist in face of difficulties. That is a valuable skill. …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
20 votes

What should I do if I cannot reproduce experimental published results

@posdef's comment is already very good. I would definitely suggest contacting the authors and trying to get exact agreement also on the details that they didn't describe in the original paper. The or …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
20 votes

Offers to include my published paper in an open access book?

Be very careful about this. Many such emails are automated spam: people automatically scrape recently published papers and automatically generate such "invitation" emails. This mainly tries to get you …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
20 votes

"Decision in process" after the median number of days from submission meaning

If the median is 10 days, that means that half of decisions take longer than that. Plus, among the half of decisions that get taken in 10 days or less are presumably all the desk rejections that happe …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
16 votes

Breaking an axis - is it ever a good idea?

I used to be a "don't break the axis" purist. I like to think that I have learned better. Nowadays, whenever I know that zero does not make sense for the data I am visualizing, I don't hesitate to bre …
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar

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