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Questions about when to cite a certain work, which work to cite, etc. For questions on formatting a given citation, use [citation-style].

3 votes

How to add citation for a whole paragraph?

The clearest way to show that the entire paragraph is taken from someone else is to set that paragraph off in some way. The two most common ways are to indent the entire paragraph or set the entire pa …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote

How is an online article referenced if there is no obvious author?

Citing online articles without a clear author depends on the citation format. The format you use should have clear guidelines. For example, in Harvard Referencing (the most common in my field) if the …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
16 votes

How to decide whether a statement requires citing a reliable source

Yes, there are rules on what requires citation. Generally, publicly-known information (widely known, common knowledge, etc.) does not need to be cited. Your sentence about Java being class-based woul …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote

Should the distinction between bibliography and reference be maintained when writing a paper?

Yes, all references must be cited. To skip the citation process is to engage in plagiarism. If you put a reference in your reference list but you do not cite it in your text, then you must ask yoursel …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
11 votes

What should you ask an applicant's reference?

This may well depend on the country. In the US, being the litigious society that it is, there have been some people going after (legally and non-legally) people who give negative references. The candi …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote

Use Investment Bank Report as Reference?

Using a bank report is acceptable unless it appears as though there is some bias present. QE and its impacts are a hot topic so you are likely to find it written quite heavily about in bank reports an …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
6 votes

GNU Free Documentation License

As it says on the page you linked it, attribution is required. So, all you need to do is add the author's name under the image in your presentation. The important thing here is that if you do not inc …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
12 votes

Usages of "sic" when citing old spelling

[sic] is only used in the case of an actual error in the quote. For example: He said that they was [sic] calling him. However, in your case, it seems there is no error, just a change in spelling …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
2 votes

In the Harvard referencing style, is it wrong to put references in footnotes?

As your question is directly about Harvard referencing, I believe all Harvard referencing uses in-text citations. Wikipedia supports this understanding. …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
13 votes

Is it appropriate to guess page numbers of a book from its translated version?

Regarding your original question, if you have access to a Russian translation and you want to cite the English translation, but you do not have access to the English translation, then you really need …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
3 votes

What is a fast way to get the reference in a specific style?

If you are writing in MS Word, just go to References and select APA. Then Insert Citation, Add New Source and fill in everything you need. This will handle your in-text referencing as well as you …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
3 votes

Should historical data be considered ambigious if not proven as fact?

Any time you have a single source for information (generalizations given by a conquering foe), there is no other supporting evidence, and there are no counter-examples, then yes, it should be accompan …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
4 votes
1 answer

What guidelines exist for volume of evidence in an undergraduate business assignment?

If the student has simply quoted their way through a paper (with proper citations) then someone else could submit the same paper and it would not count as plagiarism because everything is cited. …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
0 votes

Merge tables from different sources (APA citation)

If a student of mine asked me this I would say to write a brief introduction sentence (or paragraph) just before the table and indicate (verbally, as some say) as follows: The following table is b …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k
2 votes

Citing papers, that are cited within a paper?

While jakebeal's answer is a fine answer, I wanted to add that there is actual accepted format in some referencing system. For example, in Harvard Reverencing, your paper would contain (here is where …
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.3k

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