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In the writing phase of masters thesis, is it advisable to take a course that is unrelated? [closed]

I'm supposed to be writing my master thesis now in numerical optimization and I have a chance to attend an online course in Analysis. It is unrelated to my thesis topic and the course will require me ...
A witch's user avatar
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Is it possible to work on my thesis on my home country? [closed]

I was wondering if it's possible (and how frequent it is) to work my (math) PhD thesis in my home country if I am an international student?
Guillermo Bazán's user avatar
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Looking for advices to stay motivated working with my master degree advisor

As English is not my native language I apologize for any mistakes in my following post. I did my Bachelor Degree in Mathematics in University "A" with advisor "a". The strees level of this University ...
Cos's user avatar
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Can a (stapler) PhD thesis comprise multiple unrelated papers? [duplicate]

Traditionally, a thesis is assimilated to a monograph and comprises a unified body of work. However, with "stapler" theses becoming more common, I'd like to know if a thesis is allowed to comprise ...
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Thesis Advisor conundrum

Last semester, I took class A and loved the material. It was a subject I excelled in and professor A' was someone I understood well. I thought it was perfect to take the course 2A and make A' my ...
User5634's user avatar
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Etiquette: senior and junior professors co-advising

I'd like to ask two professors who work at my university to be the co-advisors of my Masters thesis (mathematics). They work in the same research group on (almost) the same topic (which is well-...
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Math Undergrad Wants to do Master's of Statistics

BACKGROUND I am a Canadian who is just finishing my undergraduate studies in mathematics. I enjoy mathematics, but I have recently realized that I would rather study statistics in graduate school, ...
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