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What do graders expect in a master thesis in pure mathematics?

I am writing a master thesis in pure mathematics the upcoming year and want to know what graders look for in a master thesis. I am in the US. How do they grade the thesis? What are the things that can ...
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Math postdoc in Europe or the USA

I am a PhD student in mathematics in the US. I got a 3 year postdoc position at a R1 university in USA and I was extremely happy about that as the department is pretty strong in my research area and ...
user122498's user avatar
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Is redacting the names of other grad schools I'm applying to in my unofficial GRE and TOEFL score report acceptable?

I've been asked to upload these reports in the admissions form but both of them combined mention names of several of the US math grad schools I'm applying to for Fall 2023. I've read in other posts ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Where to solicit graduate student applicants for a unique teaching opportunity?

I am currently writing a grant proposal that involves a unique (and, I hope, very appealing) two-week teaching opportunity in the US for mathematics graduate students or recent Ph.D.'s. I want to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Which section of the GRE-General is more important for a math PhD application?

I just finished my second attempt at the GRE General after a 2.5 month interval and my Verbal score suffered due to an unscheduled bathroom break and me thinking that that verbal section was for their ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Would it be helpful to submit more letters of recommendation than required for a US PhD application in my situation?

I am applying to several grad schools in the US for a PhD in math and most of them require three letters of recommendation. None of them mention that only three letters or no more than three letters ...
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Applied Mathematics Master's Thesis Practicality

First a little background on me. I am a first semester masters student in applied mathematics who is on the wait list for a decision on admission to the PhD program. I have reached out to a specific ...
sroma1997's user avatar