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At what point does research criticism become academic hazing?

I've been collaborating on a paper with a junior colleague and a senior colleague, among others. The junior colleague is the lead writer on the paper and has done about 85-90% of the research. Junior ...
user2352714's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Toxic colleague talks about me to Professors

I am a PhD student with a very difficult colleague - someone I thought was just socially inept, and rude. I was always friendly, giving her the benefit of the doubt, even though she offended me and ...
Leah's user avatar
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Is calling a staff member "selfish" harassment? [closed]

A faculty member wrote to a staff member that "you are selfish." The staff member wrote back to the faculty member asking for an explanation. The faculty member did not respond and wrote: "I would not ...
user12586's user avatar
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How can I get a second review of my grades? [closed]

How can I ask for a different faculty member to evaluate my final grade as opposed to my professor? I know this is an "odd" question but if there is a possible way for that to happen I would greatly ...
Callat's user avatar
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