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8 votes
3 answers

Why are academics expected to pay out of their pockets for society memberships?

I had a discussion with a colleague about paying to become a member out of our own pockets. His argument is that we have to support a society if we care about it. I don't understand the argument. The ...
Roger's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible/acceptable to ask for wear & tear travel expense reimbursement? [closed]

An example: I've been using some suitcase, mostly (but not only) for traveling to conferences. Gradually, the wheels have wore out, and in my last trip I was walking over some gravelly road for a ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Asking the other professor (as other paper's co-author) to cover the conference expenses

I've just prepared a paper in cooperation with my own supervisor, in addition to the other faculty member at our department. Recently, my supervisor has just declared that he can not cover the ...
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8 votes
1 answer

Should I mention reimbursements for financial expenditures when first contacting tentative speakers for a workshop?

I am thinking of organizing a workshop in my field and am currently in the process of looking for potential speakers. Some of these I'll be contacting for the first time ever by email. The speakers I ...
JoErNanO's user avatar
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How professional it is to ask for rebate in conference registration fees?

I got two papers accepted in a decent IEEE conference. My current organisation (an industrial R&D lab) says that the conference fees are way too high and they would consider approval of funds only ...
krammer's user avatar
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