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Where should I place the citation in this sentence?

I have the following sentence, where the citation refers to the first part of the sentence. Because of how it appears in the formatting of my paper, and how it reads, I would like to have the citation ...
John's user avatar
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APA format - hyperlinking the citation rather than providing a separate URL

I'm at my page length maximum for my APA-style references section. Beyond using Bitly to shorten URLs, can I simply hyperlink my entire citation rather than wasting space with a following URL? Example:...
user3871's user avatar
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How to have a system of referencing citations so that it is short and well-styled

I am familiar with writing the citation part (in different styles). However, I have typically just used superscripts like Wikipedia to reference the citation, like this[1] sort of thing. I would like ...
Lokasa Mawati's user avatar
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How do you properly cite an advertisement from a website online in APA formatting?

I can't find an answer to this question anywhere. How do you properly cite an advertisement from a website online in APA formatting? Is it just: Company. (Year, Month Day of Ad Retrieval). Ad ...
PikachuIsCute's user avatar
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Mendeley Harvard reference format [closed]

Does anyone know where I can find a correct Harvard reference format to upload on Mendeley Desktop and use it with the Mendeley Word plug-in? It seems that the ones available are not correct. Thanks
aaaaa's user avatar
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How to cite an aside article in a bible MLA format

I have an a NIV Arcaeological Study Bible and am taking an Old Testament studies course. This bible has a lot of articles about archaeology and history alongside scripture. None of the articles have ...
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