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Import RIS from zotero to Mendeley while maintaining folder structure

I am trying to export my Zotero library and importing into Mendeley. However, I would like to preserve the folder structure. I cannot seem to do it. Is this possible?
sheth7's user avatar
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Author-Date style with Mendeley citation manager

I have recently started using Mendeley Desktop with Microsoft Word. I am using the Author-Date style of citation and have encountered some difficulties. I'm hoping someone has a solution. Here are the ...
L. Young's user avatar
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Can you export a bibtex file from zotero with links?

I have most of the papers I use often in Zotero. Before I learnt about it, I would always format my manually typed citations with \href and company such that you could click on the reference and go to ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Are there reference managers which can develop/build library of references without importing/downloading PDF files in a personal collection?

In a situation where one has PDFs which one would like to have a library of references for, I notice that reference management providers (specifically Mendeley and Endnote) require that these PDF ...
Abdul-Kareem Abdul-Rahman's user avatar
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Avoid duplicate authors/citation keys in Mendeley

I recently encountered an issue when using Mendeley for generating bib-files. Some of the papers in I would like to use were written by authors with the same Name (but different persons), and ...
arc_lupus's user avatar
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