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5 votes
2 answers

How to cite primary source first found in secondary source?

I have the following situation (I am in the humanities): I am writing a paper. In that paper, I several times cite a particular scholar's book. Now, in that book, this scholar cites (not quotes) a ...
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14 votes
2 answers

Confused about bibliography in old books

I’ve been looking at the bibliography of an old book called History Of Burma by G. E. Harvey and am quite confused. There are abbreviations introduced first like this: B Bodleian Library BM ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Why do so many publication venues have their own citation styles?

I have noticed that it seems like every other conference has it's own citation style; even in the same field, or subfield. Or at least each provide their own bibtex style (.BST) file. Are they ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar