Linked Questions

6 votes
4 answers

How to admit that the cited source is lost? [duplicate]

I am trying to replicate a certain paper, which derived an important formula based on five other papers. In order to do a correct replication with insight into sources of error, I need to gather all ...
user46147's user avatar
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What do you do when you find yourselves with an unreadable/inaccessible paper? [duplicate]

Since I started my life in Academia, I sometimes found that there are some seminal papers to which I cannot get any access. Either they are very old, and the journal that published them charges for ...
Leon palafox's user avatar
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Where to search for 60's USSR literature [duplicate]

I am looking for some 60's Russian literature. I have found citations of the sources, but I cannot find places to access them. The university library said they cannot help me. I would appreciate any ...
drandran12's user avatar
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Olaf K. Storaasli Master's/Doctor's Theses, Princeton/Temple University (Schools of Theology) [duplicate]

How can I find a copy of my Dad's Seminary Master's/Doctor's Theses at Princeton/Temple Universities in 1942/1944. His name: Olaf K. Storaasli
Olaf Storåsli's user avatar
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How to find old article "B. R. McGarvey, Transition Metal Chemistry 3, 89 (1966)" [duplicate]

I have encountered some experimental results on a molecule ($[V(H_2O)_6]^{2+}$) in various articles. However, the results are not original, and in each article they refer to "B. R. McGarvey, ...
Logi's user avatar
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Unable to find well-known fluid dynamics paper [duplicate]

I am writing my MSc thesis on a certain topic in fluid dynamics. Of particular relevance to my MSc is the Stuart-Landau equation. In the linked Wikipedia article, they reference a paper written by ...
K.defaoite's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

Is it ethical to use another university's journal subscription if yours doesn't have access?

As a graduate student, sometimes I really could use access to journals or databases of tables that for some reason my university doesn't subscribe to. I have friends at other Universities that do ...
tomshafer's user avatar
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15 votes
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Where to find papers when Google Scholar and libraries fail? [duplicate]

I'm trying to find the following paper: R.M. Wilson, “Decomposition of a complete graph into subgraphs isomorphic to a given graph.“ Congressus Numerantium XV (1975), 647-659. MR0396347 (53:214) Also ...
J. Schmidt's user avatar
7 votes
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What is "educ times"? A journal?

I am looking for the original article about the Cullen numbers. But all I can find is the reference to "Question 15897" in "Educ. times 534, 1905". But I cannot find the "educ ...
Lereu's user avatar
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1 vote
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Search articles by a specific conference in dblp

I am doing a seminar work as part of a Computer science bachelor's degree. One of the first steps is to submit the articles that the seminar work will be based on. The topic I chose is Malware ...
Aviv Aviv's user avatar
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Expired links to open access resources on the sites of the Linguistic Society of America and CiNii

A comment on Japanese SE from a user who has since deleted their account seems to contain some potentially helpful information to me, so I am trying to find the articles suggested by that commenter. ...
desmo's user avatar
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