A researcher in my field has written to ask me high resolution files for 5 figures from 3 different papers of mine. He states:
Currently I am revising one review article where I have used several figures from some of your excellent papers. Due to the editor and the reviewer ask me to provide them with high qualities.
I see no problem in sending him the figures in high resolution. One thing is worrying me slightly: if you write a review with 5 figures from someone else, it's either a very long review, or you may simply not be the right person to write it, it seems to me. Should I be worried about plagiarism?
So, when I write him back, and presumably send him the request files, what should I be mindful of? I see the following (nonexclusive) options:
- Ask to know a little more about this review.
- Give him links to my few very recent articles related to this topic, trying to make sure he's not forgetting anything relevant (some papers are only a few weeks old, so it is understandable that they may not have appeared on his radar yet).
- insert here others options I haven't thought of
What I will definitely do anyway:
- Ask him to send me the review once it's published.
- Remind him that he needs copyright permission from my papers' publishers, in addition to my files.