Today's world is electronic, there is vision of semantic web and yet we still submit references in numerous versions of various journals. In medicine, many journals have special rules about after how many authors you can put et. al. etc etc.
It is tedious to reformat references (even with EndNote or other reference managers) to suit a particular journal.
Are there any pioneer journals or initiatives to simply stop submitting references and just list a DOI instead (if one exist), and to "traditional refences only if DOI does not exist.)
LATER EDIT: In fact, people already try to do the opposite - convert PDF into list of DOIs.
LATER EDIT: The receiving journal, after getting the article, would expand the DOIs into traditional references in the exact format the journals wants the references in the print version. Different journals would expand the DOI as preferred. A service at can expand the DOI (e.g., 1136/bmj.d7373 into XML with info such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_record key="key" owner="10.1136" timestamp="2012-01-03 23:32:36">
<journal_metadata language="en">
<issn media_type="print">0959-8138</issn>
<issn media_type="electronic">1468-5833</issn>
<publication_date media_type="online">
<publication_date media_type="print">
<issue>jan03 1</issue>
<journal_article publication_type="full_text">
<title>Compliance with mandatory reporting of clinical trial results on cross sectional study</title>
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<given_name>A. P.</given_name>
<person_name sequence="additional" contributor_role="author">
<given_name>M. N.</given_name>
<person_name sequence="additional" contributor_role="author">
<given_name>A. R.</given_name>
<publication_date media_type="online">
<publication_date media_type="print">
<item_number item_number_type="sequence-number">bmj.d7373</item_number>