In algorithms papers, how common is it to reference accepted software patches based on the algorithm presented in the paper? Is it appropriate to even mention it?
1 Answer
Yes, it is common and fairly reasonable.
So say you've implemented a new method for X. And you submitted it as a PR on say github, as a new feature for "SuperXdoerLibrary", and it was accepted. Then you would, say something at the end of the Section where you describe your algorithm something like:
This method for doing X is now available in SuperXdoerLibrary (V1.23)1.
And then in a footnote put a link to the SuperXdoerLibrary website, or github page. And probably also put a link on your website
It is very common to refer to what implementations of your algorithm referred to in your paper. And a "good thing".
As to if it is a stand alone implementation, or as a component in a larger library, I don't think it matters. I would in-fact suggest it is even better if it is in a larger library as that will generally mean it is in a more usable state.