Ofen Software authors request that users cite a paper of theirs in publications resulting from projects using their software.
As such an software author, what logic governs what kind of papers you can reasonably ask to cite? I see 5 cases:
The paper is about the software explicitly. Eg Theano
The software is a direct implementation of an algorithm described in the paper. Eg anything from here
They created the software to use in research presented in the paper. It has not changed since.
They originally created the software for use in the research paper, but since then it has undergone fairly large changes as it has continued to be developed. Eg DeepLearnToolbox
The paper has nothing in common with the software, except sharing an author.
In which cases is it acceptable to request the paper be cited? 5 seems like an obvious no-no, but are the others in the clear?
This question is the flip-side of Should I cite Papers to acknowledge usage of tools?