I am writing a chapter in my degree thesis which describes a new undergraduate course I designed. I want to be as specific as possible with this course, like outlining what topic should be covered in each class. It is the main chapter of my thesis. Things that I am sure I must include are the learning objectives, the syllabus and a mention to the instructional strategy (which in this case will be Flipped classroom).

How would you go about structuring this chapter? What things about the course should I include and in what order?

Can someone link me to a paper describing a new course in detail? It would be useful to have a reference.

1 Answer 1


The structure of theses depends very much on the standards of individual programs & institutions. Your best bet would be to get a copy of a previous year's thesis in your program from your institution's library (they always keep them all). Find one that has done something similar to what you are doing and use a similar structure (and, of course, if you refer to anything in it, cite & reference it appropriately).

For your reference, here's a general new course description that I developed for one of my courses. Its format is heavily based on the standards of the university, so may not apply to your particular situation.

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