Below is a reference of an article cited as footnote on a page of a book. I'm not familiar with this style so just want to know.

Anne Nguyen. Cultural and Social Attitudes Towards Mental Illness in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Stanford University Research Journal 2003: 27-31.

And here's a reference for a book:

Richard Keller. Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, 89.


1 Answer 1


The style seems to be a slight variation to Chicago notes style (as opposed to the bibliography style). In strict Chicago the journal article would be:

Anne Nguyen, "Cultural and Social Attitudes Towards Mental Illness in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam," Stanford University Research Journal (2003): 27-31.

With the key differences being a comma instead of a period after the author, quotes around the title followed by a comma and parenthesis around the year.

Similarly for the book it would be:

Richard Keller, Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), 89.

with a comma instead of a period after the author and the press and year in parenthesis.

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