Refworks.com can output a bibliography, based on an output style list, which includes several hundred different output style choices. Refworks Output Style List

However, the list does specifically include "Springer": see i.e. Springer Bibliography Requirements

What is a similar Refworks output style choice/item, which is similar to the Springer requirements?

  • Sorry, I browsed the list and I'm confused: are you worried that the list DOES NOT explicitly mentions Springer?
    – FraEnrico
    Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 10:10
  • 1
    I had not realized that "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" implicitly refers to Springer, so the Answer worked perfect for me.
    – Todd Booth
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 13:26

1 Answer 1


The "Springer" document that you linked contains specific instructions for how to contribute to Springer Computer Science Proceedings. It also says:

You will find here Springer’s guidelines for the preparation of proceedings papers to be published in one of the following series, in printed and electronic form

That means that those instructions are valid for all the journals and publications listed below.

So try to look for one of those style (i.e.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science) and it should work.

  • Yes, Refworks did list "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (which I had not seen), thx!!!
    – Todd Booth
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 13:25

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