Case in Hand:
I submitted a paper to a Q1 Conference (I'm in CS, so conferences have a strict baseline for us) and recently got it back for a rebuttal that I need to submit in 6 days.
The issue is R2 cited my own poster published last December in the review saying "The evaluation section is very similar to this". This should exactly be the case, because this is the Full Paper for that poster, which I submitted to this conference.
Before submitting I had inquired with the conference chair if a prior poster abstract submission (2 pages including references) would be a problem when submitting the full paper, and got no objection from them (in writing in email).
So I am moderately confident I can at least alleviate R2's concern about the reason for the "similarity", but I am at a loss for how to do that **without breaking the double-blind **.
Does anyone have any idea about what should be done in a similar situation?
PS: The submission system had no way for me to disclose a prior poster in it. And of course I did not cite my own poster for the exact same full paper.