In my (short) research experience I have come across workshops whose main track either (1) has its own proceedings (outside the main conference with which it is co-located) or (2) has no proceedings at all.
But recently I have come across one that says, verbatim: Please note that due to the tight timeline to have accepted papers included in the main_conference_name proceedings, no supplemental materials or rebuttal will be accepted.
What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that the paper, despite belonging to the workshop, is considered to be "from the category of the main conference with which it is co-located"? Or is it just a formalism to say the same as case 1 (own proceedings)? I assume that it is the latter, but I am interested in the answer because the main conference has a good score with respect to
I searched in Stack Exchange and found the post What is " companion proceedings" in a conference?, where the answer distinguishes between main proceedings and companion proceedings, but this is not clarified within the page of the workshop...