I am currently writing a cumulative dissertation which is based on several published papers. I am supposed to shortly (one page) summarize each of the papers. These summaries come before the actual papers in the thesis.
Now for me the question about the correct tense in these summaries comes up. For example I have the following sentences
The results reveals that in all weeks the methods led to reduced costs of 10 %.
On average, method B needed 14:06 minutes.
Would you rather use the past tense or the present tense in these examples. Here it is said that I should only use the past to refer to something that has been mentioned before. Basically the results and simulations have not been mentioned before. But at the same time the linked page says that I should use the past tense for summaries and to refer to specific simulation runs (which is obviously the case in my examples).
I tend to use present because I have used the present tense for the whole thesis.
What would you advise me to do?