You are looking for conferences or journals that have open reviews, that is, the submitted papers are visible to everyone, as well as the reviews. Possibly, the reviewers are even known to the public.
There are a few such conferences and journals. The Semantic Web Journal is a computer science journal where all submissions are visible to everyone and reviews are made public. By default, reviewers are known, unless they opt out and be anonymous (although their reviews become public). Authors of rejected papers can ask to have their submitted papers and accompanying reviews removed from the web site if they want. This journal is quite successful and has created a trend in the area of Semantic Web research to provide open reviews in related conferences. The European Semantic Web Conference 2018 had open reviews.
This is not the only example of open review process. I have seen another journal adhering to the open review process, although I don't remember which one right now.
Studies on the respective merrits of open vs. single blind vs. double blind reviews seem to be inexistent or very limited at the moment. Studies comparing reviewing policies seem to be focusing mostly (as far as I know) on comparing single blind vs. double blind, ignoring the open review scheme. So it is hard to say whether it is beneficial or not. There are people who are strongly against open reviews (citation needed, but I talked to some of them) and there are people strongly in favour of it (citation needed, but I talked to some as well).
I am myself a supporter of open reviews. I reviewed papers openly. You can see my open reviews for the Semantic Web Journal there: review on ActiveRaUL: Automatically Generated Web Interfaces for Creating RDF Data, review on Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED (first submission), review on Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED (revised version), review on Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED (last version), review on loomp - mashup authoring and semantic annotation using linked data, review on Survey on complex ontology matching. I would disclose all of my reviews if I was allowed to do so.
I made other open reviews that have been removed because the authors requested it.