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4 answers

Cost efficient methods to lower language barrier for researchers without enough funding for publishing in peer-reviewed English journals?

The situation: we have many subjectively understandable articles in English. But they will never be published publicly in any peer-reviewed scientific journals. Why? Some reviewers seem to be very ...
Les's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

How can I provide proof that my paper has been proofread by a native speaker?

I have submitted my manuscript to a journal. After several weeks the editor sent me the comments of two reviewers. The editor said that "the authors should provide proof that the paper has been ...
Duc Tuan's user avatar
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87 votes
11 answers

Can I, as a reviewer, tell authors to get a native English speaker to proofread their paper?

I am reviewing a paper for possible publication in a respected journal. The English in the paper is very poor. The authors are clearly not native English speakers. I want to write something to the ...
user46452's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is hiring a proofreader beneficial in the long term?

I am an Early Stage Researcher in a bigger project. I am non-native speaker of English and I find my level of English in my articles not satisfactory, especially when I consider that it is not just my ...
MasterPJ's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

How to find ways to proofread English in papers

As a non-native speaker of English, it can often be hard to spot some of the errors that a native speaker would find. For a long time, I've been thinking about getting a native speaker to help me with ...
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