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Writing a Master's thesis "pre-proposal" in pure math

I've recently learned that I have to write a Master's thesis pre-proposal for my application to the ETH Zürich scholarship program ESOP. This is basically a thesis proposal, but written before one ...
Informal Way's user avatar
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Weird/Dumb question: What does a thesis do when the non-thesis option means more courses?

Actually, this is my question: which option should i prefer Thesis vs Non-thesis for MS in CS? but I hope this post will not be closed as either off-topic or duplicate because I hope to be specific. ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What is expected in a masters thesis for Phd admission in Europe by admission committee in Number Theory [closed]

Background of question ( Background is somewhat related to this question Asking about how to minimize the effect of a not so good thesis due to abandoning by supervisor without even telling in Phd ...
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Asking about how to minimize the effect of a not so good thesis due to abandoning by supervisor without even telling in Phd Application Form

A bit of background of the problem-> I am a masters 2nd year student( 4 th semester)in mathematics .During my masters degree I self studied 3 books of number theory because I was really interested in ...
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What is expected in a masters thesis of a mathematics student?

What is the level of work expected in the masters thesis of a student of maths? I know some people's works are worthy of publications while some involve only studying some topic in detail from a book ...
Neeraj Kumar's user avatar
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Which is better for PhD application: research-based BS thesis somewhat related to interests, or extra courses + standard thesis in area of interest?

I am studying applied math. My bachelor's thesis is coming up next semester and I've got a dilemma. I was originally planning to do a standard project (most of them seem very soft to be honest) and ...
Benjamin Lindqvist's user avatar
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For graduate admissions, is it better to attend a well-known undergrad program with advanced coursework or one where I can write a bachelors' thesis?

I am currently enrolled in a 4-year mathematics undergraduate program in a university (let's call it A) in South Asia and here are the circumstances: There are very few math majors in the program. I ...
User10263's user avatar