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48 votes
8 answers

I might be rediscovering someone else's result. What should I do?

I am writing a paper presenting a mathematical theorem I recently proved. However, while reading one of the papers that I am citing, I found out that the same result (or something very similar) might ...
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19 votes
5 answers

Should I apologise to a professor for not citing his paper?

Last year, I went to a math conference to present new results in my paper 1, which was just submitted to a journal. Afterwards, a well-known Professor X approached me to discuss the paper. He seemed ...
J.N.S Rien's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How should one select his or her citations when writing a thesis in STEM?

I have looked over the master and PhD thesis of several past colleagues, and it seems that their thesis section are all very organized and does not deviate too much from the standard literature. In ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Refer to arxiv version?

Am I breaking some kind of rule if I'm adding the arxiv link to the bibitem for an article that's published in a journal? I thought obviously not until I noticed that (link to arxiv) and (page number ...
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