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18 votes
2 answers

Conjugation: Do we cite authors or papers?

When referencing to another work in a scientific paper, do we cite the paper or its author(s)? This question is intended to clarify the conjugation of the verb that follows the reference -- ...
ebosi's user avatar
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How can I cite the same reference in successive sentences?

I've just read a paper that cited the same reference in two successive sentences: This is the first sentence (xxxx 2013). This is the second sentence (xxxx 2013). Up until now, I would have ...
luciano's user avatar
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Citing two authors with the same surname – is it worth noting that they are distinct people?

In the paper I am currently writing I cite works by Bill Smith and Fred Smith. I refer to them both several times, as several of Bill Smith’s papers provide the basis for some of the techniques I am ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar