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How should I paraphrase a paragraph with several primary references?

I have a question about in-text citations. I have read different answers and want to be sure about it: when I paraphrase a text from paper A, I should cite the author; if there is a reference in the ...
Samin Ba's user avatar
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Is it accepted that I submit two novel papers at the same time, but one uses the methods in the other one?

I have written two STEM papers (Paper1 and Paper2) and I have already submitted Paper1. Paper2 implements some of the methods presented in Paper1. The conference I submitted for Paper1 and the journal ...
CMYE's user avatar
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Skipping same old introductions

I’m working in the area of adversarial examples against neural networks. A standard research paper generally starts off an introduction with something along the lines of the below, but probably with a ...
dijksterhuis's user avatar