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Can Google Scholar capture citations without arXiv DOI

I had a paper uploaded to arXiv. Today I noticed there are two new papers citing my paper with the correct title and author names but both without my arXiv DOI. This is because they use @misc format ...
Wenquan Lu's user avatar
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Can I upload a national report which I reference in a paper to a preprint server so it has a permanent location and/or DOI rather than a URL?

I recently wrote an editorial article which referenced several national (UK) reports. These are typically freely available as pdf files online via institutions like the British Medical Association, ...
croc7415's user avatar
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Should references in foreign language be translated to make popular audience get familiar with how academia works?

Typically, references in foreign language are cited with title and journal name in original language, whether they are academic or popular science books. As pointed out in this answer, popular science ...
Ooker's user avatar
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