Linked Questions

12 votes
2 answers

What to do if I'm afraid that my idea will get stolen during review process? [duplicate]

I have an idea that I would like to publish. However, the idea is so simple that basically everyone in the field could reproduce the experiment that shows its benefit within a day or so. What can I ...
Ethunxxx's user avatar
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What prevents a reviewer from stealing the idea? [duplicate]

The reviewer has the copy for manuscript and they are generally top notch in the field in which the paper was written. What prevents the reviewer from exploiting his/her power? As in, rejecting it and ...
Polisetty's user avatar
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Protecting unpublished or under review papers from theft [duplicate]

Would you please guide me how can I protect my under review or under revision papers from theft. It is possible that my papers have been stolen and they will be submitted to another journal. maybe a ...
Abed's user avatar
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154 votes
5 answers

What to do if a referee plagiarises the result after rejecting a paper?

I find myself in an awkward situation. Nearly two years ago I submitted a paper to a reputable mathematics journal. After 15 months it was rejected with the rationale that there had been papers ...
jp26's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

How can I "time-stamp" my data without publishing it?

If I have a DB or set of data, and want to grant access to it to a limited group of experts in a field (not general access), and don't want others using it for their own publications, nor seeing the ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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1 answer

Revealing manuscript referees' identities after review: Why is this a bad idea?

Motivated by the How can an author get assurance that his work will not be stolen by journal staff or reviewers? question: Authors submit their manuscripts to be reviewed by a journal or conference. ...
Mad Jack's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How do selection committees ensure that they won't steal an applicant's ideas as presented in his/her research statement?

Academic job applications usually require the submission of a research statement, which describes not only the applicant's research experience, but also future direction of their work. As such, it may ...
adipro's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Prevent plagiarism after rejection of a paper?

After reading the question What to do if a referee plagiarises the result after rejecting a paper?, I wonder what can be done to prevent this. I also recently got a conference paper rejected with a ...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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How can one prevent the unauthorized reuse of the technical content from a rejected paper

One of my colleagues told me that one of his papers was rejected for presentation at a conference. One year later a paper was accepted with almost the same content at the same conference. Is it in ...
malocho's user avatar
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A reviewer has stolen my idea – what can I do? [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript for publication in May (it was about DFT analysis of a specific system). The manuscript was rejected in October; one reviewer had made some suggestions, and the other ...
user84094's user avatar
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Is it customary to discuss novel idea in front of doctoral review committee?

For a PhD student in my University, there will be a doctoral review committee presentation for every six months. Course work is for first eighteen months. But from fourth semester, student has to ...
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