A colleague of mine says mendeley is a good place for promoting published papers to be read by peers. However, as I tried, it is a private library for a person or a group of people.

Am I missing something? Is there an option to promote your uploaded papers publicly?


1 Answer 1


Mendeley has two types of groups- Public and Private According to their website

Create and join Public Groups to share knowledge and discuss new research with others with similar interests. You can also create Private Groups that are only visible to invited members, letting you share information securely.

When discussing setting up a profile it promotes the idea of you been able to publize your publications through mendeley.

Publications - Adding your publications to your profile allows you to publicize your work to a global audience. You can add your publications to the My Publications folder in Mendeley Desktop or Web Library, or upload them directly via your profile. You can also add the entire contents of your Scopus Author Profile in one batch

On another page it states that you can promote your work publicly

By connecting your Mendeley profile to your Scopus Author Profile, you are able to claim your work as identified by Scopus. This allows you to publicly promote your authored work, and access a wealth of data provided by Scopus - as well as several other Elsevier services - in the form of Stats.

For your publications to be seen publicly you probably would have to edit your privacy settings and select for you publications to be seen by everyone. Picture sourceenter image description here

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