There are lists of journals in various fields of science by impact factor, cites per document, total cites, etc.

Does there exist something comparable if I want to know the average number of pages per article?

  • 4
    Perhaps you could say more about why you want to know this information in order to receive an answer more focused on your motivating problem?
    – jakebeal
    Commented Sep 4, 2016 at 11:40
  • It is also true that different journals may have different size pages.
    – GEdgar
    Commented Sep 4, 2016 at 22:54

1 Answer 1


There is no certain rule of thumb for determining the number of pages in a journal article. If you are asking for a sheet with all the information about it, then I think nobody here is going to be able to help you out. If you need information on a specific journal, however, then you may look into the journal's "Author Information/Instruction" page or "Paper Submission Page".

However, you should also note that there are often three different types of paper welcomed by many journals:

  1. Short paper (least number of pages) E.g. 8 pages for IEEE
  2. Regular paper (more pages) e.g. typically 12 double column pages
  3. Review papers (most pages). e.g. I don't know.

However, everything depends again on publishers, including whether it is a double column or a single column format. Typically single column formats have higher page numbers than the examples given above.

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