I'm going to be teaching my first course in the fall semester, and I've been trying to think of ways to make the homework benefit the students. One thought I had was to have the homework be due the week following its assignment for full credit, at which point partial solutions would be posted to the course site, or at the following lecture for partial credit. I can think of variants where parts of the assignment could be submitted at each deadline, so if a student figures out how to do problems 1, 3, and 4 but has no idea on problem 2, he can submit the three he figured out for full credit at the first deadline, then use the partial solutions to figure out the last problem and turn it in for partial credit at the second deadline.
What are the benefits and drawbacks for the students and administrators of such a system? Students: Is this a system that you would find helpful? Instructors: Have you tried anything similar in the past, and if so, what were the results?
This is what I've been able to think of so far:
- Administrators
- (+) Encourages students to look at the solutions
- (+) Helps homework be a learning experience
- (-) Requires two sets of solutions if full solutions are posted later
- (-) Requires more organization, especially if students are allowed to submit on multiple days
- Students
- (+) Provides an extra resource when working through the assignment
- (+) Encourages completion of the assignment, which should increase retention because students are using (some) of the knowledge
- (-) Confusing system
- (-) Assignments will overlap if assigned weekly