Background: I am a fourth year math graduate student in the US.
I currently have three active email accounts: personal (gmail), graduate university (windows live), and undergraduate university (also windows live). Shortly after I began graduate school, I set up the latter two accounts to forward everything to my gmail account. I vastly prefer gmail's interface to that of windows live, so I almost never even sign into the other two.
I coordinate a student seminar within our department, so I regularly send email messages to the department's list of graduate students. In an effort to prevent people from spamming that group, the department secretary must approve all messages before they are passed onto the list. After I sent a message last week, I was reprimanded for not sending it from a university account. This exchange led me to the following questions:
Do universities/departments ever a formal policy in place about the use of "non-official" email accounts?
Do people find it personally bothersome when colleagues don't use their university account for professional correspondence?
Is there anything I absolutely should not send via a "non-official" account? (There's a good chance FERPA could be involved here...)
Any responses to these questions or related comments are much appreciated.
Note: I am aware that options exist within gmail that allow it to send email via another account that I own. It is likely that this will probably be my solution to this problem, but the question I'm specifically asking is about the ramifications of continuing to send mail without the use of this feature.