Elsevier submission portals (normally) have a link to your Orcid number. Regarding this, is it possible to add your submitted papers to Orcid, directly by a link?
1 Answer
No! Unless you uploaded a copy of your submitted paper to public preprint server like PeerJ Preprints, ArXiv or BioRxiv. If you uploaded a public preprint you can add that to your ORCID profile.
Extra note: About your published works, as you know, you can add your publications from any publisher to your ORCID profile (after you sign-in to your ORCID account) by clicking on "Add Works".
More information is given here: http://orcid.org/blog/2013/12/05/i-claimed-my-orcid-id-now-what
I'd recommend the CrossRef Metadata Search as often the easiest method of importing one's publications, provided those publications have a registered DOI.
Thanks; however, my question is about my submitted papers which have not been published yet, but are registered in Elsevier.– hossayniCommented Mar 11, 2015 at 10:49
well, the answer is no then. Unless you uploaded a copy of your submitted paper to public preprint server like PeerJ Preprints, ArXiv or BioRxiv. If you uploaded a public preprint you can add that to your ORCID profile.– rmounceCommented Mar 11, 2015 at 11:09
@rmounc, would you kindly revise your answer by putting your comment into the answer text? Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 13:25
@hossayni: If you make a fundamental edit to a post that implements comments of the poster, indicate this in the edit summary. Otherwise reviewers are likely to reject that edit as too drastic.– Wrzlprmft ♦Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 13:32
I have found out that both Scopus and Web of Science insist on importing a new version of my papers, even if one exists already in Orcid. :( Oh, if only there was a unique identifier for every publication to avoid duplicates, something like a digital object identifier... Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 14:58