I am completing a computer science-related graduate application for a highly competitive school in the US that has an optional section for a "skills statement." In paraphased form, here it is:
The degree requires that you enter with knowledge of fundamental concepts including: (concept A), (concept B), (concept C), and (concept D). If you do not have prior coursework in these areas, please describe your relevant work experience or self-study in these concepts. Please describe how you acquired the knowledge and your level of proficiency.
I have a short, 1-page long statement summarizing how I acquired the knowledge through previous my academic coursework and my professional work experience with each concept.
My question is: How should I describe my level of proficiency? What would an admissions officer look for here? Would it be beneficial to pose this question directly to the school?
I have provided some quantitative data such as number of relevant undergrad and grad courses taken and years of relevant work experience, with brief summaries of each.
Should I try to rate myself on some arbitrary scale of 1-10? That seems rather pointless and subjective.
Should I try to give myself some kind of qualitative label such as "novice", "expert", etc.?
Any advice would be appreciated.