This is really related to this question (Creating paper on software tool).

But there was this comment there which asked for more details about the software's domain.

I created (still in beta stage) a software for Brain Tumor, but I would like to publish (if possible) about the software itself and not so much on the validation of it. (This would be eventually a later paper).

What's is the best approach for publishing about this software "proposal" for usage in medical clinics?

My concern is that while it's being tested. It wasn't tested enough for a full paper, but I still want to publish it.

  • 1
    I think it is pretty unlikely anyone would use a software so critical without good testing. You can publish it informally and get some user feedback, but I doubt you would get a paper.
    – Davidmh
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 22:18

1 Answer 1


If you want to publish software in a quality scientific journal it is usually required that it represents a significant advance over previously published software, which is usually demonstrated by direct comparison with available related software. There will be no way to get around this.

I would also recommend to put the code on github (http://github.com). Github is more and more recognized as THE resource for code hosting. It is a free service for public repositories, and it is widely accepted in the community, e.g. you can register your Github repos with Impactstory (http://impactstory.org).

"Source Code for Biology and Medicine" (http://www.scfbm.org) might be an appropriate journal for you.

  • there is no current software that does something related to this. I know that this is quite rare specially regarding to software's and that's why I cannot really compare with something else. I would have to test on clinics, wait months and compare what the physicians used to do and compare with this automated usage.
    – Mansueli
    Commented Aug 14, 2014 at 7:16

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