I could be studying 2.5 months for an exam, every single day, doing all the exercises that I can. Doing all the old exams that I can get my hand on. Never falling behind on submissions for the course. Yet, when it is time for the exam, I write like I am a total moron. Sloppy mistakes everywhere. Doesn’t matter how slow I go through the questions. I will still misread something or read too much into a question or interpret it completely differently from what is asked for.
I know I have exam fright and I am trying to get through it by writing the exam rather than bail on myself the day of it, or hand in blank because I know I won’t get an A.
Is there anyone here in the same position who may offer advice? I would greatly appreciate it!
I know I will be advised to not care about grades, but it is just one of those things that I cannot not care about.